MBG is powered by a staff of 100 engineers, doctors, and farmers committed to the collection, cultivation, and conservation of rare and exotic species for both academic and scientific purposes. The garden is staff manages and maintains a number of departments, features and facilities, preforming a variety of vital tasks, activities, and initiatives which are projected to translate into lasting economic and cultural benefits for society at large. These primarily include; a laboratory that conducts soil tests and plant sap analysis, a herbarium managed by the chief botanical gardens consultant in Egypt -Dr. Therese Labib-, a composting operation, (five greenhouses and three glasshouses) and seven conservatories focused on research, conservation, and propagation programmes ranging from plant breeding experiments to acclimatization trials. The garden also operates a workshop that manufactures botanical labels and garden accessories including cement planters, wooden containers, raised flower beds, along with a variety of hardscapes like gazeebos, pergolas, and more.